General Dentistry

  • Preventative

    Our preventative services include an adult or child cleaning, periodic exam, oral cancer screening and diagnostic radiographs. Preventative treatment is key to staying on top of oral health and avoiding large problems with our gums and teeth.

  • Periodontal Disease Treatment

    Periodontal disease affects many people and it is linked to other systemic issues. We can treat periodontal disease with a treatment called scaling and root planing, followed by proper maintenance.

  • Fillings

    Composite fillings are the solution for tooth decay and cracks. Fillings are a simple procedure using a tooth-colored resin material to restore teeth to their natural form and function. They are also utilized for cosmetic improvements in the mouth, for example changing the shape or color of teeth.

  • Root Canals

    Root canal treatment is needed when decay and bacteria spread to the tooth’s nerve system and infect the pulp. This can be associated with pain upon biting, swelling or extreme sensitivity to hot and cold. Root canal therapy is the treatment of choice to alleviate this pain. Following treatment, these teeth will most often need a crown to protect and restore them to their full function.

  • Extractions

    On occasion teeth and their roots need to be extracted due to disease and infection, crowding or damage. We have the necessary tools to ensure the proper and efficient removal of teeth as needed. We will provide adequate post operative instructions and will be available to answer any questions.

  • Emergency Care

    Our staff is ready to handle any dental concern you have! We can help alleviate pain and calm patients in emergency situations. Shapiro Dental also works closely with many specialists in the area so will use a team effort to accommodate your needs. If you are having a dental emergency, do not hesitate to call: 314.962.7266