Cosmetic Dentistry



Veneers are thin, porcelain shells that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They are made to alter the color, shape, size or length of front teeth in order to enhance the smile. We recommend veneers to those who have tried traditional whitening with little success or who are unhappy with their smile because of damage or any given reason.


Teeth Whitening


By making simple individualized molds of your teeth, whitening becomes a simple at-home procedure convenient to your time and needs. Our office has superior whitening materials to aid in each patient’s specific desires.

Click here for Whitening Tray Instructions




Composite material can be used for esthetic improvements to a patient’s smile. Adding this tooth-colored resin can fix discoloration, close spacing or reshape any disfigured teeth.

Never regret anything that made you smile.

Mark Twain